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Architectural Design North London

Whether you want to add something a little different to your current house, or are looking to start a project from scratch, an architect can make all the difference. An architect can share your vision and build on it, creating something that breaks barriers.

Here at Neil Dusheiko Architects, we are renowned for contemporary projects, and are especially known for getting planning approval for conservation areas. Working on projects in the UK and beyond, nothing is too much of a challenge for us, and we are ready to help you.

New build house Hackney project

This fantastic project is one that we are very excited to sink our teeth into. Demolishing the current property, we aim to build a low energy house for a young family. What makes this house so brilliant is that we will aim to use sustainable technologies to meet AECB Silver Standards.

To view images of our Hackney project, take a look at our website today. If you’d like to speak to the team about a project that you have in mind, reach out to the team on